You’ll Never See My Eyes

hipsters and relephants!

i effing adore sitting in hero burger with skye and being mesmerized by rubix cubes and ketchup.
i effing adore skye and
you know whats funny?
i’m really going to miss toronto while i’m away!
things like class, and the gym, cee bar…
but holy god
i am so overwhelmed to go home!
i am micro-managing for realsies.

plans as i know them are:
bike ride and dinner on thursday, then out for allison s’s birthday.
massage on friday morning, druncheon with the ladies, rhys and norwood’s house-warming party.
saturday the market and wired monk with lesley, matinee of into the woods with alison b, potentially paddling with my dad on the lake in waverley, gins at kerri’s then retro night.
sunday is mama’s day…we’re seeing a show at the supernova festival then probably getting sushi. sunday day/late sunday night remain free. i think gina gets home that day so i hope i see her.
monday is my actual D.O.B., so i know in the evening i’m having dinner with mom, dad, and both sets of grandparents.
tuesday i fly back to toronto but hope for an epic brunch before i leave. definatly need to see martha & mads while i am home.

oh god. don’t ask me if i’m packed.
i’ll tell you about 30 Rock and how frederic just skyped me from china!!!! (ooooh.)
and wine i am drinking…

PS: my ring tone is DEFINATLY “everyday” by buddy holly.
check it;