You’ll Never See My Eyes

if you don’t like my lyrics you can press fast forward
November 30, 2009, 4:37 am
Filed under: carter-thor, rando, toronto | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The worst part of my day is usually biking home after going to the gym. The gym is located in the basement of a huge building, filled with many restaurants, bakeries, and a whole food court. How is that fair, life? How? Why did you put the gym under the movie theatre that always smells like delicious popcorn?
Plus on my route home I have to bike past that new poutine restaurant.

Dear boys that work at Film Buff,

You are so, so cute. And always able to make me chuckle, giggle, blush, or smirk. But why were you so mean to me last time I was in? Were you weirded out by my yoga pants, bike helmet, and the fact I rented ‘Diner‘? I can’t always be wearing nice dresses and renting Katherine Hepburn movies. Katherine Hepburn is way more intimidating then Kevin Bacon, by the way!!
Were you upset because when you pointed and said the movie I was looking for was by Clint Eastwood’s face, I didn’t know which row to look? Did you assume I don’t know who Eastwood is and then decide to judge me?
You are crazy, attractive FilmBuff boys! Perhaps you were disappointed because my cute step-sister wasn’t with me this time? I don’t know what it was, but you were inexplicably short with me, and I didn’t appreciate your tone. It made you not so high on the hot-schedule.

Please go back to being charming and helpful next time I come in. Which may be soon – I need a Garbo fix.


A few Thursdays ago, I was cycling home from class, over the DVP bridge, when a fellow biker pulled up beside me to say, “You’re an amazing biker! You own that road bike! I was behind you thinking wow, she’s really fast and she’s wearing jeans and hilarious 80’s flats but you seriously own it!”

I told him it was my first road bike and he said “Well, you really know how to ride. You have amazing leg speed!”

Thank you kind sir.

Dream analysis tells me my dreams have been saying this:
“You’re feeling exposed, or forced into a vulnerable situation in real life somehow…someone is crossing your boundaries, taking advantage of you, or “intruding” on your life somehow in real life.”

I’ve had dreams that represent “the health and well-being of [my] mind, body, or spirit—especially through cleansing and releasing of the old, decaying, or toxic elements in your life” but that the “cleansing and releasing outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, beliefs, judgments, or physical toxins or decay” needs more attention. I am also apparently “thinking about a frank, straightforward interaction with someone in [my] life.”

This was all from the Curious Dreamer, which reminded me “the subconscious mind may not see much difference between a seeing a person in the media and talking to them in person.”

NEW LIFE GOAL: become the Lady GaGa of Canadian Theatre.

I like this:

most tweeted words

My scene for this Thursday’s class is from The Royal Tenenbaums. Parfait. I’m Margot Tenenbaum. The adopted daughter/playwrite. OOOHHH WAAAIT A MINUTE.

I want this song to be a tattoo on my body.
(blue, songs are like tattoos?)

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oh the people you meet! i miss you too much! write more of these while you’re gone!! film buff is obviously into you. he’s probably sad because now he thinks you love Kevin Bacon more than him!

Comment by Quessica

i will just have to go back and bat my eyelashes. you would love film buff. its video-difference esque but more compact and they sell ice cream. good for those of us who tolerate lactose.

Comment by dothefrug

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