You’ll Never See My Eyes

no glitter in the gutter

life has been bundles of confusion, energy, mud, airplanes, pot, shakespeare, ginger ale and madness. there are not enough bicycle rides or journal entries or dance classes (yet!), but there are a lot of people to see and a lot of things to talk about.

biggest and best would probably be; Honey&Jupiter , my first play that I directed at the Atlantic Fringe Festival last year, is going to be preformed in Winnipeg this fall at FEMFEST. I am elated…first professional production at a festival run by the President of the Playwright’s Guild of Canada! I get to work on the script with a dramaturg and everything…so, so excited…and scared…and excited…

I am now home in HALIWOOOOD teaching me some Shakespeare. The students are two 15 year olds and four 14 year olds, all girls. They are all on very different maturity levels and theatre levels but they are all keen and hungry to learn, they make me well up with happy tears on an hourly (yep, hourly) basis.

I saw my favorite band live for free yesterday. METRIIIIIIIC. Yeah they are my favorite. I have been an anxious crazy the last week or so (lack of working out makes me want to cry all the time. No, but really…) and i feel like listening to Metric is one of the only things I can do to manage the blues. I love them bigger and badder than anyone else who loves them…yep, I went there. Unfortunatly me and Mic made some unwise choices we feel we’ll laugh about in 20 years before Metric played, so I spent the first half of their set paranoid, lost in the crowd, and with a ghost-white face&blue lip combination. But by the time Sinclair found me and we rocked our faces off together, I was rejuvenated by the magic that is besteverbandever.

tell me you arent blown away by how fucking brilliant they are

tell me you aren't blown away by how fucking brilliant they are

Today I had brunch with Kim, who gave me a very Alice dress. This was perfect as I then went to dirty Dtown for a tea party at Kelin’s. Kelin is like every Joni Mitchell song blossomed into a beautiful blonde artist in a white dress and pearls, who gives the best hugs and makes the best cookies. Like that. I needed to see both of these ladies really bad, so it worked out well.

ANYWAY. I wrote a poem tonight called EDGE and it is going to speak for me now. Read and enjoy.

On the verge of on the verge of
Somethings on the verge;
Words fester…
Blank pages disguise pain,
It’s white noise.
On the verge of
Screaming tears.
I wish with all my made-up might
To uncloak the sorrow
Dig my nails in scratch off the mask
Uncover the words
Unbury the words
Scratching the surface
Where I sit so square
Play so safe it hurts.
Keep so quiet I choke.
Sit so still I ache.
Unable to
Get off the verge and
Dive in
Rinse refresh
Instead I let my mind rot
Words fester; Tangled language.
A rat’s nest sits where my heart used to wheeze.


1. put gym membership on hold.
2. read more shakespeare than you could shake a speare at (see what i did there…!!)
3. see ‘awake and sing’ at soulpepper…and ‘the glass menagerie’ at red barn theatre and ‘school’s out‘ at the bathurst street theatre…

4. (re)learn original Fossee Choregraphy to ‘All That Jazz’ (I drunkenly tried to learn it when I was 15…)

finding these videos are making me totally into CHICAGO once more…15 year old Meghan is fangirling the hell out of Ann Reinking.

5. eat the most indian food as i can before going home to white old halifax.
6. debate getting tattoo…i kind of want something alice-in-wonderland-esque, which sounds SOOOO cliche and hipster and blahblahblah but alice is actually so dear to my heart, for so many nostalgic and psychological reasons…oh wait, do i sound like a crazy person? anyway i found my acting journal from 2005, and it;s an alice notebook with gorgeous illustrations and quotes inside. i stumbled on the following quote and it spoke to my heart so strongly i almost cried upon reading. (but didn’t…because the quote told me not to!!) one of those moments when the universe knows you need something, and so you get it:

Consider what a great girl you are.
Consider what a long way you’ve come today.
Consider what o’clock it is.
Consider anything, only don’t cry!”

-The White Queen (fr. ‘Through the Looking Glass & What Alice Found There.)

The universe has been offering lots of things I really need the past 2 or days. A night out dancing to sixties music with Skye, many a jolly jaunt with my visiting Ginger sister, late-night playground adventures, lovely people to give free cappucinnos and crispy marshmallow squares to, hugs and kisses galore, I’M BACK IN FILM CLASS uuuuughhhhh and will miss the hell out of it all summer….and two other huge exciting things that are not official or the details are not finalized yet so I shall not broadcast them on the world wide web yet, but let’s just say, my soul is going to melt and my mind is going to explode.


Here is something I will miss about Toronto, a huge amount:
Rexie, KCan, Ryan, Fletchface, &Edder. I will not miss looking like a tipsy baby dinosaur in photgraphs with them, though. Oh heck, yes I will!