You’ll Never See My Eyes

FemFest Day 2: Hey, I Wrote That!!
October 2, 2009, 2:24 pm
Filed under: video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Kerri-lee Smith, who directed? Mother Effing Genius. GENIUS.

JUPITER – Hailley Rhoda, you are wonderful, you were divine. this girl is BRAVE beyond words. she rocks!!

AUTHORITY, Erin Hammond…still thinking about her in the ‘circus’ scene. Blew my mind. And she captured the last scene between mom&Jupiter so well…gorgeous.

HONEY, Amy Groening, is a fucking STAR. I want her in everything I write. She is SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. & an INCREDIBLE dancer. She’s brilliant!

Ahhhh. Tonight I am going with my notebook and really listening to the words. It’s a work night for me, but that’s ok. It’s important work, work I am passionate about. This feels really, really right.

September 23, 2009, 4:42 am
Filed under: halifax, rando | Tags: , , ,



1) What’s their name? Micaela
2) Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Mais oui
3) Do you get along with this person all the time? Pretty much always and whenever, except when I don’t mention her in one little vlog so I have to dedicated a whole blog entry to her face.
4) How long have you known each other? 4 years.
5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? OH BABY OH BABY OH BABY.
6) Is this person older than you? Nein.

7) Have you ever kissed this person? On the cheek!

Have you ever swore at him/her? All the fucking god damn time mother licker.
9) Are you related to this person? In our hearts.
10) Are you really close to him/her? Si, but not physically 😦
11) Nickname? Mica. She-Sheppard.
12) Do they have a nickname for you? She calls me lady a lot. I wonder if she knows my real name 😦 😦
13) How many times do you talk to this person during a week? As much as I can.
14) Will this person re-post this? NO

15) Do you live with these people? WE LIVED TOGETHER for 2 or 3 glorious weeks in July. There was much 30 Rock and J-Lo and Hippie Jugs and Nutella.

16) Why did you pick this person? To soothe her pain.
18) How long have you been close to this person? Like, 3.75 years.
19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Oh yeah, we both used to work shitty jobs there in grade 12.

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? Many. One time I slept upside down in her bed…I was pretty illin’…it was my 1st 4:20.

21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person? I have and I do.
23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person? ALL OF THE ABOVE APPLY a lot. Someday the Metric concert will be funny…some day…
24) Do you know everything about this person? Lots????
25) Would you date this person’s siblings? HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH awwwwkward.
26) Have you been to this person’s house? Yeah.
29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person? And by skinny dipping, I mean SEX.
31) Is this person on drugs? I couldn’t tell you, I’m too fucked up for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLUG!!!
33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes? Sometimes.
34) Does this person wear your clothes? Sometimes.

35) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person? Oh hell yes, she be slammin’.

36) Have you ever heard this person sing? Yeah and me likey.
38) Do you and this person have a saying/word? Now I may be blind, but I can hear somethings loud and clear. Glug glug glug. Getchersexyon.
39) Do you know this persons Facebook password? No.
44) Have you and this person gone clubbing? Once. More times plz.
45) Do you know how to make this person feel happy? Pizza. Dope. Disney. Snuggles.
46) Do you and this person talk a lot? I wish more.
47) Do you like this person as a friend? Hate.
48) Has this person yelled at you? I think???
49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight? Not that I remember.

51) Do you want to be friends with them forever? PLZ.

52) When is the last time you talked to this person? Via fbook yesterday.
53) Do you text this person? Yep, probably too much.
54) Do you and this person talk on the phone? LONG DISTANCE 😦
55) Descibe this person in one word – delightful.
56) Does this person like anyone? Me.
57) Have you ever played a sport or watched a sport with this person? IMPROV. Hahah wait…
58) Have you met this person’s family? Yeahyeah some of ‘em.
59) Has this person been to your house? UHYEAH.
60) Do you and this person have a special song? OOOH BABY DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S WORTH? OOOH HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH. … among others…<3
61) Have you told this person you loved them before? Yes.
62) Did they say it back? In her way.
63) Do you think this person still loves you? I do!

64) Can they make you laugh alot? Like no other…
65) Do you hang out with this person on weekends? When we are in the same city.
66) Would you consider this person your best friend? DEFINATLY one of them. If this was Myspace she’d be in my top 8. And by Myspace, I mean bedroom. And by top 8, I mean PANTS.
67) Do you miss this person? All the time.
68) Is there a song that describe the relationship between you and this person? Oh so many. WATERLOO KNOWING MY FATE IS TO BE WITH YOU
69) Have you danced with this person? oh fucking hell. We are made of dance.

70) Do you think this person is going to be surprised you wrote this about them? Tell your gay mom I said thanks.
71) How many siblings does this person have? 0.5
72) If so, brother or sister? 0.5 sister
73) Have you ever cried in front of this person? yeeeashhhh????
74) When is the next time you will see this person? in my dreams
75) Do you tell this person secrets? Sorta. Yeah.
76) Do you trust this person? so much!
77) Does this person trust you? Mehopes.
78) What is this persons middle name? Commonworthy.
79) What is this person’s full name? Kenneth Ellen Page.
80) Where does this person live? New Zealand.
81) Have you ever seen them cry? Probably????
82) Does this person speak another language? Body language.


I’ll Wish, While There’s Still Time To Hope
September 16, 2009, 9:25 pm
Filed under: halifax, toronto, video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

no glitter in the gutter

life has been bundles of confusion, energy, mud, airplanes, pot, shakespeare, ginger ale and madness. there are not enough bicycle rides or journal entries or dance classes (yet!), but there are a lot of people to see and a lot of things to talk about.

biggest and best would probably be; Honey&Jupiter , my first play that I directed at the Atlantic Fringe Festival last year, is going to be preformed in Winnipeg this fall at FEMFEST. I am elated…first professional production at a festival run by the President of the Playwright’s Guild of Canada! I get to work on the script with a dramaturg and everything…so, so excited…and scared…and excited…

I am now home in HALIWOOOOD teaching me some Shakespeare. The students are two 15 year olds and four 14 year olds, all girls. They are all on very different maturity levels and theatre levels but they are all keen and hungry to learn, they make me well up with happy tears on an hourly (yep, hourly) basis.

I saw my favorite band live for free yesterday. METRIIIIIIIC. Yeah they are my favorite. I have been an anxious crazy the last week or so (lack of working out makes me want to cry all the time. No, but really…) and i feel like listening to Metric is one of the only things I can do to manage the blues. I love them bigger and badder than anyone else who loves them…yep, I went there. Unfortunatly me and Mic made some unwise choices we feel we’ll laugh about in 20 years before Metric played, so I spent the first half of their set paranoid, lost in the crowd, and with a ghost-white face&blue lip combination. But by the time Sinclair found me and we rocked our faces off together, I was rejuvenated by the magic that is besteverbandever.

tell me you arent blown away by how fucking brilliant they are

tell me you aren't blown away by how fucking brilliant they are

Today I had brunch with Kim, who gave me a very Alice dress. This was perfect as I then went to dirty Dtown for a tea party at Kelin’s. Kelin is like every Joni Mitchell song blossomed into a beautiful blonde artist in a white dress and pearls, who gives the best hugs and makes the best cookies. Like that. I needed to see both of these ladies really bad, so it worked out well.

ANYWAY. I wrote a poem tonight called EDGE and it is going to speak for me now. Read and enjoy.

On the verge of on the verge of
Somethings on the verge;
Words fester…
Blank pages disguise pain,
It’s white noise.
On the verge of
Screaming tears.
I wish with all my made-up might
To uncloak the sorrow
Dig my nails in scratch off the mask
Uncover the words
Unbury the words
Scratching the surface
Where I sit so square
Play so safe it hurts.
Keep so quiet I choke.
Sit so still I ache.
Unable to
Get off the verge and
Dive in
Rinse refresh
Instead I let my mind rot
Words fester; Tangled language.
A rat’s nest sits where my heart used to wheeze.

&the living is easy
June 7, 2009, 1:11 am
Filed under: halifax | Tags: , , , , , , , ,


this summer i will be teaching for 8 weeks at theatre school!

these are my classes;
SHAKESPEARE (Ages 14-18):
Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed. Students will learn the skills to make classical text come to life in this intensive two week camp. Using scenes from the Bard’s scripts students will gain an understanding of classical verse and how to bring it to life. Join us and make the world your stage.

CENTER STAGE (Ages 14-18):
This advanced theatre camp is for students who want to perform. The two week camp will consist of morning voice and body warm-ups, exercises in acting technique and ensemble building. Afternoons will be spent rehearsing a play which will be performed for family, friends and the rest of the camp on the last day. Get ready to take centre stage!

In this camp we will use theatre games, art, poetry and a whole lot of fun to explore the world of being a girl. Using collaboration and imagination we will create a short play to share with family and friends on the last day of camp.

THEATRE JAM (Ages 7-9)
In this camp students will create an original piece of theatre in a collaborative setting. Students will become actors, playwrights and directors as they jam on ideas and are guided through theatre exercises, creation, rehearsal and the presentation of their very own performance project which will be shared with friends and family on the final day.

Expect updates of hilarious student quotes, exhausted and emotional me, and PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE of how amazing the summer will be.

canada’s ocean playground

the detox has come to an end!!! hello, peanut butter! hello, feta cheese! tonight, hell-oooo samosas and chutney!! i feel totally kick started and energized. i still haven’t had coffee, or substance. i wonder how long that’ll go?

so HOME; let’s discuss home.
thursday lesley and i landed and mom, dad and irma were there at the airport. had dinner with mom, dad, irma, my god-mother, her daughter, and my grandparents. hilarious. Allison came over later, for at midnight she turned 19 and we got all drunked up and went dancing at Tribecca.


KATE joined us as well to do some damage.


highlights include epic photo taking with allison, and getting in trouble for dancing on a chair.

friday after a bike ride where i almost wept because it felt so, so good to cycle again, and a massage/chiropractor apointment (my neck is a rock. thanks, toronto.) i hosted our first druncheon. “our” meaning the bestest of ladies, claire, jessica, lesley, slaney and falvey. (missed out on gina, though…)


i just adore them. what a festival of cupcake sandwiches, meatless balls, hours upon hours of drinking sangria…and classic conversation ranging from john mccain to kittens inspired by kittens.

friday night was rhys and andrea’s house-warming party which means i got pretty faded and marveled at all of the wonderful people i missed who seemed happy to see me. (valentina and i decided we needed to make up for all the hugs we missed out on while i’ve been away so throughout the night one of us would yell “SPONTANEOUS HUG!” and we’d embrace. decadent!!)

saturday i biked to meet lesley at the market where we saw mary-dan playing the fiddle, robyn selling vegetables, and jackie torrens being awesome. wired monk for muffins, then to the theatre school where i grew up to sit with jessica and loiter as we have done for the last 6 years of our life. saw many a familar, beautiful, smoochable face.

lunge of hilarity

then i biked to the ferry and went on the ferry to dirty dee to see INTO THE WOODS and got to watch beautiful people on stage and laugh my fool head off with keelin. sushi with dad followed, then to KERRI’S, who was one of my room-mates last year. her cousins and friends who i became friends with last year came over. claire came, too, and kate leth with david bowie make-up. adrian brought tequila.

i would tell you about the rest of the night but i honestly don’t remember much and it freaks me out. i know once we went out to RETRO NIGHT we met up with some of my friends from high school, lesley and her cousin, and i danced the night away with a stranger. but seriously. i was a wreck and don’t think i’ll be drinking for a long, long time.

kj and mhube

sunday mother’s day so OBVIOUSLY had brunch with my hero martha irving and my other hero maddy, psuedo sister poet. (martha’s daughter.) hero-licious. falafel and eggs, pancake good size, a fort of menus and salt shakers, um, and probably the classiest gift i have ever received. a clutch that held a beautiful painted bracelet and hanky!! i love them so, so much.

mom and irma and i went to see a play in the early evening that was soooo nova scotian i hurt from smiling at it. then mom and i had thai food, and i hung out with my soul mate kelin in the second cup on spring garden with tea and mike&ikes. i got home and convinced etta to come over for an impromptu hang-out at 11pm, and fell asleep happy and heart warmed, my last night of 19.

monday; my birthday! rode my bike to dartmouth with sarah dee!
ze bridge


we went to see the house her & her boyfriend just bought, then we had tea at the papier chase because it’s not halifax unless i go to the paper chase, people!! i proceeded to visit citadel high, even though i didn’t go there…but they closed my high school and so people who taught me are there now. before i even got into the building i was hugging mrs. cowan, pretty much my bff in grade 12, and mr. coats, my drama 10, 11, 12, dance 11 and poli sci 12 teacher slash improv coach (when he showed up) slash school father…siiiigh. i missed them too much! falvey met me because she goes there. how i love her.

that night was the most hysterical dinner of all time.
my mom, my dad, irma (my mom’s partner), nancy (my step-mom), pat (step-brother), both sets of grand parents, my god-parents (who are now divorced), and their daughter/my life-long friend. i am so blessed that these people can all come together despite how awkward it sounds, to be with me. and it’s not even that…everyone gets along and laughs and shares and talks and is a family.


that night i met up with gina and lesley for martinis and swedish berries at the bitter end. beams are gonna blind me. being apart from them physically hurts. it was short but (bitter) sweet. we’re all away together though…gina in the states, me in toronto and lesley in rome. (jerk.)

tuesday was my last day…micaela came over for breakfast and we made eggs and had cornbread and jam, coffee and hot chocolate and gelato. we made up for lost time and put on stupidly funny accents and she made me a huge list of bands and singers to check out. i asked her to live at my mom’s house with me in july if i go home for the summer because mom&irma will be at the cottage…we’d have a pretty wicked home together. maybe i should just marry her?? elle oh elle.

halifax ws really good for my self-esteem. it reminded me i have so many people who love me, and who i love back completly. they are all different, different people, different loves, but they are my family. i remembered how much fun i am capable of having no matter where i go. i came back to toronto feeling way less meek, way less silenced. i am pretty smitten with toronto right now, but halifax will always be home, and i am so proud.


hipsters and relephants!

i effing adore sitting in hero burger with skye and being mesmerized by rubix cubes and ketchup.
i effing adore skye and
you know whats funny?
i’m really going to miss toronto while i’m away!
things like class, and the gym, cee bar…
but holy god
i am so overwhelmed to go home!
i am micro-managing for realsies.

plans as i know them are:
bike ride and dinner on thursday, then out for allison s’s birthday.
massage on friday morning, druncheon with the ladies, rhys and norwood’s house-warming party.
saturday the market and wired monk with lesley, matinee of into the woods with alison b, potentially paddling with my dad on the lake in waverley, gins at kerri’s then retro night.
sunday is mama’s day…we’re seeing a show at the supernova festival then probably getting sushi. sunday day/late sunday night remain free. i think gina gets home that day so i hope i see her.
monday is my actual D.O.B., so i know in the evening i’m having dinner with mom, dad, and both sets of grandparents.
tuesday i fly back to toronto but hope for an epic brunch before i leave. definatly need to see martha & mads while i am home.

oh god. don’t ask me if i’m packed.
i’ll tell you about 30 Rock and how frederic just skyped me from china!!!! (ooooh.)
and wine i am drinking…

PS: my ring tone is DEFINATLY “everyday” by buddy holly.
check it;