You’ll Never See My Eyes

Good Sentences
December 5, 2009, 6:44 pm
Filed under: carter-thor, rando, toronto | Tags: , , , ,

“Agh, I dropped my clip-on earring in the sink!”

Me: I’m not sure what the play is about…I think it’s like, these people are penpals and they really love each other but they don’t know that in real-life they ALSO know each other, and they’re enemies. I can’t remember if that’s what the play is about , or if that was an idea someone had, or –
Scott: – Isn’t that “You’ve Got Mail” ?

That reminds me of the time I told my boyfriend in grade 11 I had my shoes stolen off my feet…I really believed it when I said it…but seconds later realized that actually DIDN’T happen to me, that it happened on “Sex&the City”…

“I really hate it when people get my goat.” -Kelsey

“Tennessee Williams got fat. Too bad, he was a good looking gay.” -Vee

“Do you know what I’m having for a snack right now? Apple sauce, granola, and water. See what you’ve done to me? Thanks a lot.” -Vee

“I HOPE I DIE IN THE MAZE!” -Skye, whilst reinacting guilting her boss at an amusment park because she was in trouble for taking too long of a break. (She was having an asthma attack for God’s sake!)

“This business makes the mafia look like kindergarten.” -Jock

(Jenna is wearings jeans with rips at the knees)
Jock: (in the middle of analysis work, turns to her) Do you pay to have your jeans look like that?
Jenna: Why, do you want a pair?

“Life isn’t terrible!”

“Get out of your head, and into all of you.”

MyYen: Give the mug to your mother! She carried you for 9 months!
Me: Actually, I was adopted.
MyYen: You should still give it her.
Me: Yeah…she did have to drive to the adoption agency to pick me up.

if you don’t like my lyrics you can press fast forward
November 30, 2009, 4:37 am
Filed under: carter-thor, rando, toronto | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The worst part of my day is usually biking home after going to the gym. The gym is located in the basement of a huge building, filled with many restaurants, bakeries, and a whole food court. How is that fair, life? How? Why did you put the gym under the movie theatre that always smells like delicious popcorn?
Plus on my route home I have to bike past that new poutine restaurant.

Dear boys that work at Film Buff,

You are so, so cute. And always able to make me chuckle, giggle, blush, or smirk. But why were you so mean to me last time I was in? Were you weirded out by my yoga pants, bike helmet, and the fact I rented ‘Diner‘? I can’t always be wearing nice dresses and renting Katherine Hepburn movies. Katherine Hepburn is way more intimidating then Kevin Bacon, by the way!!
Were you upset because when you pointed and said the movie I was looking for was by Clint Eastwood’s face, I didn’t know which row to look? Did you assume I don’t know who Eastwood is and then decide to judge me?
You are crazy, attractive FilmBuff boys! Perhaps you were disappointed because my cute step-sister wasn’t with me this time? I don’t know what it was, but you were inexplicably short with me, and I didn’t appreciate your tone. It made you not so high on the hot-schedule.

Please go back to being charming and helpful next time I come in. Which may be soon – I need a Garbo fix.


A few Thursdays ago, I was cycling home from class, over the DVP bridge, when a fellow biker pulled up beside me to say, “You’re an amazing biker! You own that road bike! I was behind you thinking wow, she’s really fast and she’s wearing jeans and hilarious 80’s flats but you seriously own it!”

I told him it was my first road bike and he said “Well, you really know how to ride. You have amazing leg speed!”

Thank you kind sir.

Dream analysis tells me my dreams have been saying this:
“You’re feeling exposed, or forced into a vulnerable situation in real life somehow…someone is crossing your boundaries, taking advantage of you, or “intruding” on your life somehow in real life.”

I’ve had dreams that represent “the health and well-being of [my] mind, body, or spirit—especially through cleansing and releasing of the old, decaying, or toxic elements in your life” but that the “cleansing and releasing outdated or toxic thoughts, emotions, beliefs, judgments, or physical toxins or decay” needs more attention. I am also apparently “thinking about a frank, straightforward interaction with someone in [my] life.”

This was all from the Curious Dreamer, which reminded me “the subconscious mind may not see much difference between a seeing a person in the media and talking to them in person.”

NEW LIFE GOAL: become the Lady GaGa of Canadian Theatre.

I like this:

most tweeted words

My scene for this Thursday’s class is from The Royal Tenenbaums. Parfait. I’m Margot Tenenbaum. The adopted daughter/playwrite. OOOHHH WAAAIT A MINUTE.

I want this song to be a tattoo on my body.
(blue, songs are like tattoos?)

September 23, 2009, 4:42 am
Filed under: halifax, rando | Tags: , , ,



1) What’s their name? Micaela
2) Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Mais oui
3) Do you get along with this person all the time? Pretty much always and whenever, except when I don’t mention her in one little vlog so I have to dedicated a whole blog entry to her face.
4) How long have you known each other? 4 years.
5) Has he/she ever cooked for you? OH BABY OH BABY OH BABY.
6) Is this person older than you? Nein.

7) Have you ever kissed this person? On the cheek!

Have you ever swore at him/her? All the fucking god damn time mother licker.
9) Are you related to this person? In our hearts.
10) Are you really close to him/her? Si, but not physically 😦
11) Nickname? Mica. She-Sheppard.
12) Do they have a nickname for you? She calls me lady a lot. I wonder if she knows my real name 😦 😦
13) How many times do you talk to this person during a week? As much as I can.
14) Will this person re-post this? NO

15) Do you live with these people? WE LIVED TOGETHER for 2 or 3 glorious weeks in July. There was much 30 Rock and J-Lo and Hippie Jugs and Nutella.

16) Why did you pick this person? To soothe her pain.
18) How long have you been close to this person? Like, 3.75 years.
19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Oh yeah, we both used to work shitty jobs there in grade 12.

20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? Many. One time I slept upside down in her bed…I was pretty illin’…it was my 1st 4:20.

21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person? I have and I do.
23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person? ALL OF THE ABOVE APPLY a lot. Someday the Metric concert will be funny…some day…
24) Do you know everything about this person? Lots????
25) Would you date this person’s siblings? HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH awwwwkward.
26) Have you been to this person’s house? Yeah.
29) Have you gone skinny dipping with this person? And by skinny dipping, I mean SEX.
31) Is this person on drugs? I couldn’t tell you, I’m too fucked up for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLUG!!!
33) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes? Sometimes.
34) Does this person wear your clothes? Sometimes.

35) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person? Oh hell yes, she be slammin’.

36) Have you ever heard this person sing? Yeah and me likey.
38) Do you and this person have a saying/word? Now I may be blind, but I can hear somethings loud and clear. Glug glug glug. Getchersexyon.
39) Do you know this persons Facebook password? No.
44) Have you and this person gone clubbing? Once. More times plz.
45) Do you know how to make this person feel happy? Pizza. Dope. Disney. Snuggles.
46) Do you and this person talk a lot? I wish more.
47) Do you like this person as a friend? Hate.
48) Has this person yelled at you? I think???
49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight? Not that I remember.

51) Do you want to be friends with them forever? PLZ.

52) When is the last time you talked to this person? Via fbook yesterday.
53) Do you text this person? Yep, probably too much.
54) Do you and this person talk on the phone? LONG DISTANCE 😦
55) Descibe this person in one word – delightful.
56) Does this person like anyone? Me.
57) Have you ever played a sport or watched a sport with this person? IMPROV. Hahah wait…
58) Have you met this person’s family? Yeahyeah some of ‘em.
59) Has this person been to your house? UHYEAH.
60) Do you and this person have a special song? OOOH BABY DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S WORTH? OOOH HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH. … among others…<3
61) Have you told this person you loved them before? Yes.
62) Did they say it back? In her way.
63) Do you think this person still loves you? I do!

64) Can they make you laugh alot? Like no other…
65) Do you hang out with this person on weekends? When we are in the same city.
66) Would you consider this person your best friend? DEFINATLY one of them. If this was Myspace she’d be in my top 8. And by Myspace, I mean bedroom. And by top 8, I mean PANTS.
67) Do you miss this person? All the time.
68) Is there a song that describe the relationship between you and this person? Oh so many. WATERLOO KNOWING MY FATE IS TO BE WITH YOU
69) Have you danced with this person? oh fucking hell. We are made of dance.

70) Do you think this person is going to be surprised you wrote this about them? Tell your gay mom I said thanks.
71) How many siblings does this person have? 0.5
72) If so, brother or sister? 0.5 sister
73) Have you ever cried in front of this person? yeeeashhhh????
74) When is the next time you will see this person? in my dreams
75) Do you tell this person secrets? Sorta. Yeah.
76) Do you trust this person? so much!
77) Does this person trust you? Mehopes.
78) What is this persons middle name? Commonworthy.
79) What is this person’s full name? Kenneth Ellen Page.
80) Where does this person live? New Zealand.
81) Have you ever seen them cry? Probably????
82) Does this person speak another language? Body language.


detox diet
May 18, 2009, 1:14 am
Filed under: rando, sbux, toronto | Tags: , , , , , , ,

well my trip home has come and gone…more on that later, i guess?

i am in the midst of a detox and lemme tell you, all i think about is naan bread, soy lattes and junior mints. (that was mostly what i thought about before but now it’s worse.)

here is what i can eat:

fruit, vegetables
rice, quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat,
beans, lentils, unsalted nuts or seeds, nut butters (except peanut/peanut butter)
extra-virgin olive oil, vegetable salt, sea salt, vinegar, soy sauce or tamari, all herbs/spices,
green & herbal tea
water, lemon water, pure unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices, rice milk

i am not having coffee, wheat, sugar, dairy, gluten, yeast, alcohol, food additives and preservatives, or chocolate.

i had really bad headaches on friday and saturday, but today hasn’t been too bad. i think i even feel up for the gym tomorrow. i’m introducing things back in little by little…i think sugar and coffee will be last…right before food additives and preservatives.

i am also drinking more water than i have in the last year, i think. i also have to pee every 45 minutes which is quite embarrassing at work, to be honest.

-i am starting a playreading book club tomorrow. oscar wilde. DON’T BE JEALOUS.
-started watching ‘slings&arrows’ and ‘firefly’ at stephanie’s last night (over a bowl of rice and orange herbal tea)…’slings&arrows’ and i are going to get married. bob martin, how you be such a genius?
-claire eff threw a sausage breakfast sandwich at my knee today. (ok, so she dropped it off a plate and it hit the back of my knee. the best part was her first instinct was to try to wipe it off my white tights [!!] with my legwarmers. ahahhha….i love you, fletch.)
-arcade fire will never stop being amazing, ever.
i fail at everything real

hair did
May 5, 2009, 6:35 pm
Filed under: rando, toronto | Tags: , ,





i feel
-more like myself
-ready to dance
-taller???? what???

confessions a.
April 28, 2009, 7:02 pm
Filed under: confession, halifax, rando | Tags: , ,

1. i love soy bacon more than practically anything you could name. (try me!)
2. i hate wearing pants. you know how when kids are like, a year or so old and they fuss when you try to dress them? that’s like me.

it’s like post-secret but you guys know its me. (oh come on, if you saw a post-secret about soy bacon you’d know.)


we used to a) work at a local coffee shop in halifax where we’d eat all the food and bring our laptops to work, and
b) look like this.

she blogged about me one time.

March 12, 2009, 4:53 am
Filed under: rando | Tags: , , , , , , ,

things to do instead of sleep:

lurk facebook
write facebook notes
drink diet dr. pepper
chat on skype
chat on msn
look at baby pictures former acting teachers send you of their babies
have a bath, with tea and a daniel macivor play
put a load of laundry in
ignore putting laundry in dryer by watching ‘the office’
stop watching ‘the office’ and watch videos of impromptu splendor instead
change your facebook profile
eat couscous
eat more couscous
turn into couscous
write lists about things you have done the past couple of nights when you should be sleeping
watch ‘the dick van dyke show’
stare out the window
make and re-make your bed
write your mother an e-mail
eat some more couscous (but not the couscous you turned into.)

post a picture:yay-004

perhaps actually put clothes in the dryer???

5, 6, 7, 8
March 5, 2009, 3:53 pm
Filed under: rando | Tags: , , ,

this is a test, i guess
a fresh
