You’ll Never See My Eyes

Good Sentences
December 5, 2009, 6:44 pm
Filed under: carter-thor, rando, toronto | Tags: , , , ,

“Agh, I dropped my clip-on earring in the sink!”

Me: I’m not sure what the play is about…I think it’s like, these people are penpals and they really love each other but they don’t know that in real-life they ALSO know each other, and they’re enemies. I can’t remember if that’s what the play is about , or if that was an idea someone had, or –
Scott: – Isn’t that “You’ve Got Mail” ?

That reminds me of the time I told my boyfriend in grade 11 I had my shoes stolen off my feet…I really believed it when I said it…but seconds later realized that actually DIDN’T happen to me, that it happened on “Sex&the City”…

“I really hate it when people get my goat.” -Kelsey

“Tennessee Williams got fat. Too bad, he was a good looking gay.” -Vee

“Do you know what I’m having for a snack right now? Apple sauce, granola, and water. See what you’ve done to me? Thanks a lot.” -Vee

“I HOPE I DIE IN THE MAZE!” -Skye, whilst reinacting guilting her boss at an amusment park because she was in trouble for taking too long of a break. (She was having an asthma attack for God’s sake!)

“This business makes the mafia look like kindergarten.” -Jock

(Jenna is wearings jeans with rips at the knees)
Jock: (in the middle of analysis work, turns to her) Do you pay to have your jeans look like that?
Jenna: Why, do you want a pair?

“Life isn’t terrible!”

“Get out of your head, and into all of you.”

MyYen: Give the mug to your mother! She carried you for 9 months!
Me: Actually, I was adopted.
MyYen: You should still give it her.
Me: Yeah…she did have to drive to the adoption agency to pick me up.